Welcome to Cammo
A beautiful local nature reserve
Hello from the Friends!
We are a group of local people who have joined together to look after Cammo Estate Local Nature Reserve and maintain it as a wonderful natural space for everyone to enjoy. We do daily maintenance work such as litter picking and path clearance, as well as larger projects to improve biodiversity in the park.
News and Upcoming Events
Minutes of the Friends of Cammo general meeting held on 4th December are now available here.
The south car park has now re-opened for visitors. The stonemasons still have some things to finish off, at the walled garden, stables and other ruins, so they are expected back for a couple of weeks in March or April, but the car park should not need to be closed again.
Work has been completed on a new pedestrian entrance gate opposite the Cammo Meadows development, an improved entrance to South Field, and resurfacing the path between these two locations.
A reminder that we are not able to take Christmas trees at Cammo this year.
Two small Japanese Umbrella Pines have been planted beside the path from the Pinetum into Low Meadow, each protected by four posts and mesh. The Japanese Umbrella Pine planted in Cammo about 160 years ago, at the top of the Pinetum slope, is one of the most notable trees in Cammo.
Our thanks to Lynn, who has removed graffiti from several fingerposts, and also cleaned the interpretation panel at Cammo House, now looking as good as new.
Best wishes for Christmas and the New Year.
The next General Meeting will be the AGM in The Lodge on Wednesday, the 5th March at 7:30.